2022年03月14日 更新
综观国内,针对这两部作品,学术界在对其主题、人物形象及艺术特色等方面已取得了较丰富的研究成果,而从“成长小说”的角度来研究它们则是近年来出现的一个热点。例如, 徐玉...
分类:SCI论文 - 字数:13643
First, no one tries to teach him or guide him but after Huck remembers the experiences, friendship and thinks about the stories with Jim he knew Huck was a good person. The answer is that black people was also clever and cherish friendship. ...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:6412
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a representative work of Mark Twain, and it is also an outstanding work of American literature. It is about the adventurous experiences of the hero Huck and the black Jim along the Mississippi River. Hem...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5636