提高学生的科学素养是新课程改革的重要目标之一, 初中阶段是中学教育的开端,是学生科学素养培养的关键期。 教材是教师的好帮手,是学生学习的重要工具,教材的设计体现了编写者对于课程目标的理解、对于教学的把握以及实现教学的思路。因此,有必要对初中物理教科书进行分析和评价,从而检验它们是否达到了培养学生科学素养的标准。
关键词:科学素养 初中物理教材 机械功与能
Abstract:In twenty eighties, "scientific literacy" began to be really introduced into the scientific courses of education and had a significant impact on them.
Improving the scientific literacy of students is one of the most important goals of curriculum reform. As junior high school is the beginning of secondary education, it’s the critical period for students to develop the scientific literacy. Teaching material is a good helper for teachers and an important tool for students. Its design reflects the writers’ understanding of course objectives, grasping of teaching and thinking of teaching realization. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the physics textbooks of junior high school for testing whether they have achieved the standard of scientific literacy or not.
This paper selects “mechanical work and energy” of five versions’ physics textbooks of new curriculum to analyze and compare the topic of scientific literacy to see whether they have met the requirements of "the standard of junior secondary school’s physics curriculum".
Keywords: Scientific Literacy The physics textbooks of junior high school Mechanical Work and Energy