摘 要:随着当代科技的高速发展,社会对文科人才自然科学素质提高的需求越来越高,大学生的综合素质的培养成了高校教育的重中之重。从教育角度来看,科学素养指“科学的价值、哲学意义和社会影响,并强调科学的认知过程”,是公民应该具有的基本素质之一。所以对于文科生而言,学习科学精神和科学方法,接受较完备的科学教育是必需的。而教材是最基本、最重要的课程资源,文科物理应将科学精神和人文理念贯穿教材,旨在培养科学理念,教给读者科学方法,提高科学素养。
本文在国内外文科物理教材中选择典型教材,以倪光炯等编写的《物理与文化——物理思想与人文精神的融合》和Art Hobson编写的《Physics Concepts & Connections》为例进行比较,特别是在微观世界领域进行重点比较,研究如何在高等教育中有效实施科学与人文的融合。最后,在比较基础上对我国文科物理教材的选择与编制提出合理化建议,并针对时下热门话题“核辐射问题”的教材内容编写进行尝试性地初步设计。
关键词:文科物理 教材 比较分析
Abstract: With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the society demands for higher arts talent natural science quality, and college education is to cultivate the key students' overall quality. From the view of education, scientific literacy refers to "the scientific value, philosophy meaning and social influence, and emphasizes the cognitive process, scientific ,which is citizens should have the basic quality one. So for the liberal arts is concerned, learning scientific spirit and scientific method, accepting a complete science education is necessary. While teaching material is the most basic and the most important curriculum resources, which shouid be designed to foster scientific ideas, teach readers scientific method, and improve science literacy.
In this paper, the editor selected arts physical material at home and abroad, with typical materials such as the physical written by Ni-guangjiong with “ culture -- physical thought and the humanities spirit fusion "and Art Hobson compiles" Physics Concepts & Connections "as an example especially in the micro world field for comparing. Finally, based on the comparison,the aditor suggested for teaching material selection and establishment,and preliminary designed for the hot topic "radiological problem" .
Key words: Arts physical textbooks comparative analysis