摘 要:物理学是以实验为基础,物理实验在教学中地位重要。在物理学科的教学当中,应充分发挥学生的主观能动性。要在教学过程中提供给学生多样的探究主题,给予他们足够多的角度和机会去主动探究知识并获得探究的乐趣。当今社会多媒体信息技术和一批应用软件发展日益成熟。可以利用这些软件来给学生设置独立的物理情境,并在新的课程改革目标和创新教育理论的指导下,按照物理实验学习的特点,研究实用软件对探究性物理实验的支持作用。笔者收集部分教育技术专家的文献探究趣味实验在软件体现上的选择标准与设计方法,并制作了两个实例。它们能够直接投入使用,也可以作为后续研究的一个起点。本论文赞同一个理想的学习模式:自主建构——讨论——重建构。
Abstract: Physics is based on experiment and occuping a very important position in the physics teaching. In physics teaching, we should give full play to students' subjective initiative. We should provides students diverse explore themes and give them enough angles and the opportunities to actively explore knowledge In the teaching process and aquire fun in it. In today's society multimedia information technology and a batch of utility software are having been increasingly mature. What’s more, under the guidance of education theory and new curriculum reform objectives and innovation for students we can consider how the softwares are able to support physical experiment exploring according to the characteristics of physical experiment study on practical software. The writer tries to collect the literature of education technology experts to summarizes the in exploring the choice standard and design methods in teresting experiments embodied on software , and produced two examples. This thesis to approve an ideal mode of learning: independent construction - discussion -heavy construction.
Keywords: Flash, experimental animation, explore independently