【摘要】 词汇是语言的建筑材料,因此运用有效的词汇学习策略是扩大词汇量,成功掌握一门外语的必要条件。2003年教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》要求学生在小学阶段掌握600-700个单词。至今英语课程在全国范围内已开设了9年,小学生在词汇学习方面的基本情况到底如何?基于以上原因,本文以南京市禄口小学为研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈了解小学生英语词汇学习策略的运用现状。研究发现:
【关键词】 小学英语;词汇;学习策略;调查;词汇教学
【Abstract】 As vocabulary is the building material of language, applying the vocabulary learning strategy effectively is the prerequisite of enlarging their vocabulary as well as improving their foreign language level. In 2003, the Ministry of Education issued a “full time compulsory education in senior middle school English curriculum standards (trial version)”, which requires pupils to master 600- 700 words at primary stage. By now, the curriculum of English has been carried out in the whole country for 9 years, how about the status of pupils in the English vocabulary learning? For these reasons, this thesis was based on the LuKou Primary School, and aimed to understand the status of the New Curriculum Reform in primary school. This thesis yielded three main findings by a questionnaire survey and a group interview.
(1)The level of vocabulary strategy used by sampled students is medium frequency. Among the five categories investigated, the level of cognitive strategies, memory strategies and meta cognitive strategies is middle high frequency, the level of resource strategies and application strategies is low frequency.
(2) There exists no significant difference in the five categories between boys and girls.
(3)There exists significant difference in the five categories between high-level students and low-level students.
【Key words】 primary school English; vocabulary; learning strategies; research; vocabulary teaching