关键词: 汉英双语教学 教学目标 数学成绩 英语水平
Abstract:In China, the main goal of Chinese-English bilingual education is to basically complete the task of teaching and to improve students’ English proficiency.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the bilingual education experiment in a school, we select two aspects——disciplines objectives and English learning objectives——as the evaluation indexes.
The result shows that the Chinese-English bilingual education experiment indeed improves the English proficiency of bilingual students while it causes no significant effect on their mathematics achievements .
Based on the theory of bilingual teaching, we have a discussion on the research process and results. We deeply analyze the reasons for the impact bilingual education has made on students’ achievements. Then we also briefly mention some problems the bilingual education experiment may encounter in the future.
Key words:Chinese-English bilingual education;teaching goal;academic achievement;English proficiency