摘要: 最优化问题是在有限种或无限种可行方案中挑选最优化的方案.牛顿法在最优化问题中应用广泛并且在求解最优化问题中具有一定的优势. 研究牛顿方法的性质和特点,有选择的用于优化中的相关问题中.例如,牛顿方法在最小二乘问题中的应用,我们根据所解决的问题的特点,适当的应用于实际生活中,利用最优化方法给我们生产生活带来便利.
Abstract: Optimization problem in finite or infinite feasible scheme selection optimization program.Newton's method in optimization problems are widely used and in solving optimization problems has certain advantages.Study on the properties and characteristics of Newton's method,has the choice for the optimization of related problems.For example,Newton's method in the Nonlinear programming,according to the problem of the characteristic,the appropriate application in actual life,use optimization method for our production life to bring the convenience.
Keywords: Newton's method; Nonlinear programming; Gauss-Newton method; Nonlinear least squares