摘 要
关键词:XX学院; 自主学习; 学校环境因素
The self-regulated learning is a proposed learning method. Autonomous learning emphasizes not only students' own internal, but also the external factors, especially the school environment factors. This paper primarily through a questionnaire survey about the school environment factors effect Honghe College Department of Education graduate students’ self-learning process. It mainly from four aspects,the learning places, living environment, activity environment and campus learning atmosphere. To understand students' independent study is mainly affected by school environmental factors, displays in the students' independent learning is influenced by it and inseparable from the study places (library, self-study classroom and classroom environment), living environment, activity environment and campus learning atmosphere. This paper based on the above analysis from learning places, living environment, activity environment and campus learning atmosphere four respects, which proposed the related countermeasure for low grade students to create a good autonomous learning environment.
Keywords: XX University; Autonomous learning; School of environmental factors