[摘要] 教学效果的评价是新课程实施的重要组成部分。本研究以已有的教育评价理论为指导,结合数学学科的特点,对小学数学课堂教学即时评价问题进行研究。本研究选择南京市游府西街小学部分班级及教师作为研究对象,采用课堂观察法与访谈法进行了调查研究,对小学数学课堂即时评价的现状进行了分析和总结,提出了目前小学课堂教学即时评价存在的一些问题,并尝试提出了6条小学数学课堂教学即时评价应遵循的原则和6种提高小学数学课堂即时评价有效性的策略。
[关键词] 即时评价;小学数学;课堂教学
[Abstract] Teaching evaluation is the important part of the implementation of the new curriculum. In this study the existing education evaluation theory, combined with the characteristics of mathematics, the primary school mathematics classroom teaching evaluation of instant. This research chooses Nanjing You Fu West Street Primary School part of the class and the teacher as the research object, adopt classroom observation and interviews conducted the investigation and study of primary school mathematics classroom, real-time evaluation of the status quo analysis and summary, put forward the primary school classroom teaching instant evaluation of some existing problems, and try to put forward 6primary school mathematics classroom teaching should follow the principle of immediate evaluation and 6for improving primary school mathematics classroom real-time evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategy.
[Key words] instant evaluation; primary school mathematics; classroom teaching