摘要: 在这个日益发展的当代社会,比起古代女子当代女子得到与男子一样平等的教育机会,但在古代,女子在家庭社会中的地位往往不如男子,其受教育情况也与男子存在很大的差异。本文笔者通过搜集整理明代才女——“秦淮八艳”中诗词文采为首的柳如是的资料,试图通过对柳如是的成长经历和受教育的具体情况,以及对她的文化创造做简要的赏析,期待从中窥探晚明女子教育的特点及价值取向。
Abstract:In this growing contemporary society, women and men in contemporary society get equal opportunities in educationcompared to the ancient times, but in ancient times, women's position in family and society often inferior to men's, so does as the opportunities to receive education.The author collects the materials of Ming Dynasty talented woman - Liu Rushi for her best performance in poetry literary in"Qinhuaibayan "and try to analyse Liu's experiences and education, as well as her creative appreciation of culture ,and look forward to spying characteristics and value orientation of female education in the Late Ming Dynasty.
Key words: Liu Rushi ;The late Ming ;Dynasty ;Female education ;Characteristic ;Value orientation