[摘 要]本研究以盐城市三所小学二、四、六年级446名学生作为被试,采用学校情境下小学生应对方式自评问卷和青少年学校适应问卷,探究小学生应对方式与学校适应的发展特点以及二者的关系。1.小学生应对方式具有跨情境的一致性。2.总体上小学生的应对方式不存在显著性别差异。从不同年级来看,二年级学生在逃避攻击、问题解决和寻求帮助中存在显著性别差异;六年级学生问题解决上存在显著性别差异。3.小学生在应对方式的逃避攻击、寻求帮助和幻想分心维度上存在显著年级差异。从不同性别来看,男生在逃避攻击和幻想分心上存在显著年级差异;女生在寻求帮助和问题解决上存在显著年级差异。4.女生在学校适应的学业适应、师生适应以及总适应上均显著高于男生。从不同年级来看,六年级女生在整个问卷以及每个维度中均显著高于男生。5.小学生在学业适应存在显著年级差异。从不同性别来看,男生在学业适应中存在差异,而女生在学校适应中不存在差异。6.应对方式中的问题解决和寻求帮助与学校适应呈显著正相关,逃避攻击与学校态度呈显著负相关。
[关键词] 应对;应对方式;学校适应;小学生
[Abstract] In this study, 446 Second, Fourth and Sixth grade students as the research object, the writer uses the choice of two self-made questionnaires to explore the gender and grade difference and the relationship between the ways of coping and school adjustment of primary school students. After the analysis, here are the conclusions: 1.The ways of coping of primary school students have consistency across the situation. 2.There is no difference between boys and girls in the ways of coping. But from different grades, there are sexual differences in avoiding-attack and seeking for help, and significant differences in solving problems in grade two.The sixth grade has sexual differences in solving problems. 3.There are grade differences in three dimensions of the ways of coping in grades: avoiding-attack, illusion-distraction and seeking for help. From the sexual way, boys have significant differences in avoiding-attack and illusion-distraction. Girls have significant differences in solving problems and seeking for help. 4.There are significant sexual differences in education adjustment and teacher-students relationship which girls do much better than boys. From the different grades, the sixth grade has significant differences in the whole questionnaire, also, girls do better. 5.There are grade differences in education adjustment. From the sexual way, boys have differences in education adjustment, but girls not. 6.Solving problems and seeking for help are both positive related to school adjustment, and avoiding-attack is negative related to attitudes to school.
[Key words] coping; ways of coping; school adjustment;primary school students