摘 要:幼儿教师虐童是一种严重伤害幼儿身心健康的行为,它的发生与幼儿教师,我国学前教育的状况密切相关。深入分析虐童事件,需要了解幼儿教师个体生活遭遇、幼儿园管理的缺失、教育部门监管缺位等造成虐童事件发生的多方原因。同时,要理性看待虐童事件曝光后对幼儿教师职业形象造成的负面影响,并通过关注幼儿教师生活、完善幼儿园管理、加强家园合作、改善幼儿教师待遇和加强幼儿教师人文教育等路径,保障学前儿童的安全。
Abstract:Preschool teachers’ behavior of child abuse seriously hurt children both mental and physical conditions. It is closely related with our current situation of preschool education. To make a deep analysis on the child abuse, we need to take into account the various aspects concerning the individual life experience of preschool teachers, the efficiency of kindergarten management, and the supervision mistake of education sectors and so on. At the same time, we should rationally look upon the negative influence to the professional image of preschool teachers after the exposure of cases of child abuse, from this we come up with some approaches to safeguard the safety of preschool-age children by means of keeping a watchful eye on the life of preschool teachers, perfecting kindergarten management, enhancing communications between teachers and parents, improving the treatment and humanistic education of preschool teachers.
Keywords:Preschool teachers; child abuse; user comments; Influence of occupation image