[摘 要]范例是指提供给幼儿观察欣赏的直观教具。在绘画教学中,范例法是幼儿绘画教学的重要方法。传统的范例法与临摹教学联系在一起。以画的像不像为评价标准,忽视幼儿在绘画活动中的主体地位。在教育观念逐渐改变的今天,特别在新《纲要》颁布之后,现代的艺术教育更加强调精神创造的意义,强调艺术活动对儿童心理发展的影响,因此范例在绘画活动中的作用也应该随之发生改变。但教师在传统与现代的美术教育观念的矛盾中无法找到比较适中的方法,导致在运用范例时出现了一些问题。本文就是在这一背景下,结合前者研究提出一些范例的实际运用方法,使幼儿在观察范例的同时受到美的熏陶,从而使范例真正成为幼儿绘画活动中不可缺少的方法。
[Abstract]The model law is a visual aid for children's observation and enjoy. The model law is an important method of the children painting teaching. The traditional model law is related with the copy teaching with the evaluation stand of whether the picture is alike,neglecting children's main status in painting activities .Today the education idea is changing gradually. Especially after new "Summary" that is promulgated,,the modern art education emphasizes the significance of the spirit creation and the influence that art activities has on the development of the infantile psychology.Therefore, the model law also should change a lot in the painting activities.However,teachers can not find a proper way in the contradiction of opinions on the traditional and modern art education,resulting in some problems when modern law is used.This text that is combined with the former researches puts forward some practical usages to make the children receive the edification of beauty in the observation of the model,which makes the model truly become the essential method in the children painting activities .
[Key words] model law;children;painting teaching.