[摘要] 学前儿童生活的启蒙性、形象性等特征决定了适合于儿童的课程必然是贴近于儿童真实生活的内容。我国幼儿园的数学教育普遍存在学科化和小学化的倾向,注重幼儿掌握知识的能力,数学教育内容的选择也比较单一,抽象和枯燥,因此幼儿园数学教育内容的生活化成为当今幼教工作者所面临的一项重要课题。生活化教学是陶行知“生活教育”理论的核心思想,提倡将生活中的教育元素融入课堂,从生活经验中抽象出概念和结构,以获得知识。
关键词:幼儿园数学教育 内容选择 学科化 小学化 生活化
Abstract: Pre-school children live in the Enlightenment, the image characteristics such as suitable for children course content must be close to the real life of the children. Commonplace in our kindergarten mathematics education subjects and primary tendency towards focusing on early childhood ability to master the knowledge, the choice of mathematics education content is relatively simple, abstract and boring, so the content of kindergarten mathematics education to life as faced by today's early childhood worker’s important topic. The life of teaching is the core idea of the theory of "life education" by Tao, to promote life education into the classroom, from the experience of life in the abstract concepts and structures in order to obtain knowledge.
Changzhou City, a kindergarten math activities, combined with the literature review, classroom observation, and case studies were discussed on the choice of teachers in mathematics content, the author elaborating on the basis of the status of kindergarten mathematics education content selection clearly the significance of the life of mathematics education content, and analysis to explore an effective way of educational content to life.
Key words :Kindergarten Mathematics Education content selection discipline primary school life