[摘要] 偶发性科学活动指在教师完全没有计划的情况下,在幼儿的周围世界中,突然发生的某一自然科学现象自然物或有趣新奇的科技产品和情景,引发了幼儿的好奇心,从而产生浓厚的观察和探究兴趣,随即自发投入的一种科学探究活动。它能够满足幼儿的好奇心,拓展幼儿学科学的空间、时间及学习内容范围,培养幼儿对周围世界的关注,做学习的主人,还有利于具有科学潜能的幼儿的进一步发展。
[关键词] 幼儿科学教育; 偶发性科学活动; 教育价值; 实现方法;
[Abstract] Abiogenesis sci-activity means a scientific research activity caused by children’s curiosity and rich interest of observation and survey that initiated by an interesting phenomena or thing surrounded. It can satisfy children’s curiosity, expand the space, time and content for them to learn the science; also, it cultivates their attention to the surrounding and to master the learning, thus to make for further improvement for children with potential.
By observing and interviewing, this article talks about current situation of children’s abiogenesis sci-activity, and learns that the effect comes from children’s curiosity, observation of teacher and children’s,rich environment ,teacher’s attitudes and how to guide. Lastly, with document, the article figures out several ways to realize this activity. Including the teacher need knowledge,good observing,the right attitude and master boot.
[Key words] children’s scientific education; abiogenesis sci-activity; education value; implementation method