【关键词】: 安抚行为;幼儿教师
【Abstract】: Appeasement is a branch of the ways how a teacher communicates with kids.When a kid is subjected to inconvenience or frustration,a teacher will give him some response in words or action to make him feel more comfortable or encouraged in mentality or body. The characteristics of the appeasement are:1.The appeasement surely produces when kids have instable mood.2.The teacher must approve some action of the kid to encourage him.3.The aim of the appeasement is to make the kid's mood come down. Through observation and interviews, we studied the appeasement of a large class of kindergarten teachers in this examination. A study indicates that teachers rarely appease behavior in the interaction of the teacher and children. The occurrence of appease is not only in object but also in condition.
【Keywords】: Appeasement; Kindergarten teachers