[摘 要] 本文基于在幼儿园中对幼儿游戏的观察,选取两类典型游戏情境,分别是具有显性规则的体育游戏和隐性规则的角色游戏。透过这两类不同游戏情境中幼儿规则意识发展的比较,探讨规则情境的差异可能对幼儿道德发展产生的复杂影响,从而进一步验证了皮亚杰关于儿童道德意识发展阶段的理论,同时也发现了与其不同之处:在不同游戏情境中幼儿规则意识的发展有所不同,在显性规则的游戏中幼儿倾向于他律的道德意识,在隐性规则的游戏中幼儿倾向于自律的道德意识。因此对于具有“强规则”的中国传统教育而言,幼儿的他律道德意识会受到强化吗?为更好的了解幼儿道德意识的发展以及怎样与教育相结合提供一定的帮助,从而寻求一种合适的道德教育方式。
[关键词] 游戏;游戏规则;体育游戏;角色游戏;协作;道德意识
[Abstract] This article based on the observation in kindergarten children games, selecting two typical game situations, which are dominant rules of sports game and recessive rules role games. Through this two kinds of different game situation in the development of children's consciousness of rules is to discuss the situation of differences may to rules of children's moral development have complicated impact, Further tests the Jean Piaget about children moral consciousness of the development stage theory. At the same time also found and it's different:In different situation in the game rules the development of children's consciousness is different ,the rules of the game in the dominant children tend to discipline consciousness of morality ,the rules of the game in the recessive children tend to self-discipline moral consciousness. With strong rules for the traditional education in China, whether Children's discipline by strengthening morality. To better understand the development of children's moral consciousness with education and how to provide help with, thus seek a moral education of the right way.
[Key words] game; game rule; sports games; role games; cooperation; moral consciousness