希腊爆发的主权债务危机愈演愈烈,使得尚未从全球金融危机中恢复的欧元区再次陷入困境当中。历经2010 年下半年的外危内困,欧元区爱尔兰、意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙等国财政情况也渐露危机,面临着严重的主权债务违约风险。同时,德国、法国等欧元区经济强国的财政状况也不容乐观,面临着严峻挑战。主权债务危机风险向整个欧元区各国的金融市场迅速扩散,在很短时间内完成了国际传导,让各国政府猝不及防。本文以希腊为例,从它的演进、原因、应对策略中揭示欧元区国家主权债务危机的根源与本质,以及对其应对措施的简单评价。
关键词:欧元区; 主权债务危机; 债务重组; 财政赤字
Outbreak of the Greek sovereign debt crisis intensified, making yet to recover from the global financial crisis, the euro zone were in trouble again. After the second half of 2010, trapped inside the danger outside the euro zone, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal and other countries also grew out of the financial situation of crisis, facing a serious risk of sovereign default. Meanwhile, Germany, France and other euro-zone economic power can not be optimistic about the financial situation, faced with severe challenges. The risk of sovereign debt crises throughout the euro area countries to the rapid spread of financial markets, in a very short time the international transmission, let governments off guard. In this paper, Greece, for example, from its evolution, impact, responses in the euro-zone countries reveals the source and nature of the debt crisis, and simple evaluation of its measures.
Key words:The euro area; Sovereign debt crises; Debt restructuring; Financial deficit