《语言的简史》这本书的作者是英国语言学家和学者David Crystal。他的研究和作品主要涉及语调、文体学、应用语言学、语言教学、第一语言习得等领域。值得一提的是他最有名的书《剑桥语言百科全书》,是由剑桥大学出版社和英国英语百科全书出版的。
The book A Little Book of Language is written by David Crystal. He is a British linguist and scholar. His study and works mainly involve intonation, stylistics, applied linguistics, language teaching, first language acquisition, and other fields. It is worth mentioning that his most famous book is Cambridge language encyclopedia published by University of Cambridge press and the Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language.
A Little Book of Language is a linguistic work published in 2010. Because of its simple style and readability by all readers, it has been translated into Greek, Portuguese and other languages. In the book many things are worth scrutinizing and readers can benefit a lot from it.
My task is to translate chapters 14-17 of this book into correct Chinese in terms of content, ideals, style and cultural differences. The fourteenth chapter is mainly about the world language. This chapter first illustrates different dialects and languages and then points out that a language may consist of different dialects. The author further points out that all the languages of the world (about 6000) can be classified accordingly. The fifteenth chapter is about the source of spoken language. This chapter first illustrates that there are many isolated language in the world and it is difficult to determine the relationship between them. Afterwards, it begins to explore the beginning of oral language. By studying skeletons of ancient human and also the shape of their jaws and the bony structures surrounding the mouth and in the neck of ancient human, it finds out that around 30,000 BC ancient human were well on the way to speak. The sixteenth chapter describes the source of writing. It tells us that cuneiform writing system is the first writing system of the world. The seventeenth chapter is about the modern writing. This chapter is mainly about the development of writing and the emergence of the sign standing for sounds. While people began to use signs to represent sounds, which opened a new chapter in the development of language.