摘要:为优化牛蒡叶多酚的提取工艺,通过单因素试验考察了液料比、浸提温度、乙醇体积分数和浸提时间对牛蒡叶多酚得率的影响,在单因素试验的基础上,采用正交设计对提取工艺进行优化。结果表明乙醇浸提牛蒡叶多酚的最佳工艺条件为液料比为25 mL/g、浸提温度为60℃、浸提时间为2 h、乙醇体积分数为50%,在此条件下此条件下牛蒡叶多酚得量为36.74 mg/g。
关键词: 牛蒡叶;多酚;单因素;正交试验设计
Abstract:For the optimization of extraction process of Arctium lappa leaf polyphenols, effects of liquid-to-solid ratio, extraction temperature, volume fraction of ethanol and extraction time on the yield of Arctium lappa leaf polyphenols were investigated by single factor experiments. Based on the single factor experiments, technology parameters were optimized by orthogonal experiment design. The results showed that when the extraction parameters were controlled at ethanol volume fraction 50%, extraction time 2 h, extraction temperature 60℃, and liquid-to-solid ratio 25 mL/g, the yield of Arctium lappa leaf polyphenols could be up to 36.74 mg/g.
Keywords: Arctium lappa leaves; Polyphenols; Extraction; Orthogonal experiment design