关键词: 人口老龄化,社会养老保险,商业养老保险
ABSTRACT:It can be obviously seen that Our country, China, is growing old .The elderly population grows in a rapid speed. It worried us that China has become an aged society, before it grows rich, which make it called an "old before rich" country. It is a rule that the elderly population explores when the scale of economic has developed to a relatively high level. However, at present, the scale of aged Population seems to not match our economic very well, our country has become one of aged population countries in advance. Aged population in our country keeps growing, which bring great burden to the traditional endowment insurance system.
The current insurance system cannot cope with the population challenge any more. So how can we solve the problems? Take the advantage of commercial endowment insurance system , it might be a good means to improving current endowment insurance system in China. This paper presents the situation of the aging population in our country ,analyzes the challenge brought by the great amount of aged population and the strengths of commercial endowment insurance system. It also shows the readers the current commercial endowment insurance system, puts forward the thinking of development of commercial endowment insurance products, gives advice to commercial endowment insurance system in China at the same time.
Key Words: The elderly population , Social Pension Insurance , The endowment insurance