关键词:服务贸易 旅游服务贸易 竞争力 对策
Abstract: Tourism service trade has become one of the world's fastest growing, most promising sunrise industry developments. The development of Shanghai tourism service trade plays a more and more important role in the economic development of Shanghai. Promoting Shanghai tourism service trade competitiveness has some positive effects on improving the competitiveness of Shanghai service trade. This paper first introduces the development of service trade of Shanghai,secondly analyzes the development situation of Shanghai tourism service trade including the basic situation, advantages and problems, and then uses the international market share, trade competitiveness index, comparative advantage index of three indicators of the competitiveness of Shanghai tourism service trade analysis, finally, according to the present development of Shanghai tourism service trade, puts forward countermeasures to improve the competitiveness of Shanghai tourism service trade.
Key words: service trade tourism service trade international competitiveness countermeasures