关键字:股指期货; 套利策略; 沪深300
Abstract :In 2010, China officially launched the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index futures contracts, listed in the same year. Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index futures were upgraded to a new level, marks the launch of China's capital market development and enrich the ways and means of investor capital financing in China. However, the field of study of the stock index is also very narrow, mainly focused on arbitrage, for the period of the current research is still relatively small.
Article writing, literature research, institutional comparison illustrates the significance of a the research stock index futures arbitrage of the first part of the paper. The second part of its arbitrage principle for further instructions. The third part is the stock index futures arbitrage strategy; final part based on the Shanghai ang Shenzhen 300 index futures analyze it empirically.
Key words: strategy Indexfutur; arbitragestrategy; Shanghai and Shenzhen 300