摘 要:随着团购网站在美国的兴起,这种新兴的电子商务网站,短短一年时间就风靡全球,Groupon最具有代表性的美国团购网站迅速横扫全球。我国的团购网站也从2010年迅速发展起来,模仿Groupon类型的团购网站迅速兴起,行业竞争激烈。怎样在各大网站中脱颖而出并获得最大利润变得尤为重要,即对网络团购的盈利模式进行探讨。网络团购是一种前沿的消费模式,因此国内外理论界对网络团购盈利模式的研究并不多见,找到适合团购网站的盈利模式并实现盈利,是各大网络团购发展的当务之急。拉手网作为国内团购网站的代表性网站之一,其独特的盈利模式值得深究。
关键字:网络营销 网络团购 拉手网 盈利模式
ABSTRACT:With the rise of group buying sites in the United States, this new e-commerce site, just a short time it swept the world, Groupon most representative of the United States buy site quickly swept the globe. Our buy site also developed rapidly from 2010, imitating the type of buy site Groupon rapid rise, the industry is highly competitive. How to stand out in the major sites and get the maximum profit becomes particularly important that the profit model of the network buy discussed. Buying Online is a cutting-edge consumer model, so buy foreign theorists profit model for network research is rare to find a suitable group purchase website profit model and achieve profitability, the major network buy development imperative. Handle domestic buy site network as a representative site of one of its unique profit model worth studying.
This article is a study LaShou profit model. First summarize the network buy and profit model on the theory and expounded China's group buying industry status quo, further summarized buy the site of several existing profit model, focusing on the handle net profit model study describes the basic site situation, with other sites profit model compared to the situation, analyze their strengths and weaknesses and make improvements and future trends. Through comprehensive analysis of Lashou, you can clearly see the business advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses, optimizing handle network profit model, in order to allow enterprises to maximize profits, has been standing at the top of group buying websites.
Key words: Network Marketing;Buying Online;Handle network;Profit model