关键词 青岛市;运输服务贸易;数据分析;对策
Abstract:In the background of economic globalization, with the strategic adjustment of the economic structure and the process of global economic integration accelerate,trade structure is gradually inclined to trade in services.The transportation services trade has been an important one in the trade in services,which not only affects the National balance of payments, but also restricts economic development.In this paper, based on the analysis of transportation service trade of Qingdao, using data chart analysis and comparison method,analyzing the transportation service trade development status, trends and characteristics of the development of Qingdao.Explore the problems and slove them to healthy and rapid develop the transport services.Finally,it can drive the development of the import and export trade of Qingdao and bring a more beautiful prospect to Qingdao transportation services trade.
Keywords Qingdao Transportation services trade Data analysis Countermeasure