Abstract:China since the late 1970 s began to attract foreign direct investment (FDI).To the early 21st century, foreign economy in our country has occupied an important position in the economy. It is important to note, however, FDI regional distribution of extreme imbalance,more than 80% of the distribution in the eastern coastal areas, China's regional economic duality structure has become increasingly serious.
There is no doubt that 35 years since the reform and opening up, China's foreign direct investment work made great achievements. Foreign direct investment in promoting China's economic growth plays a critical role. This article mainly under the economic globalization trend of international capital flow and economic reality as the background, since the reform and opening up, inflows of foreign direct investment since the reform and opening up with the relationship between the city's economic development in our country has carried on the empirical research. At the same time in nantong of jiangsu province in China, for example of nantong locational distribution of foreign direct investment and investment structure impact on the urban economy. Finally aiming at the problems appeared in the process of using foreign direct investment, in this paper, to step on how to make good use of foreign direct investment, taking the disadvantages and the advantages into consideration. To guide the healthy development of and regulate foreign investment put forward the corresponding solutions and Suggestions.
Keywords FDI(foreign direct investment) Economic growth Urban economic development Nantong