摘要: 江苏省连云港市东海县水晶资源丰富。全县有二分之一的地域储有水晶、石英,贮藏量分别约有25万吨和3亿吨,其中水晶年开采量400吨,占全国的半数以上,并且品质优良,含硅量高达99.99%。东海县水晶及硅资源的开发利用,在东海经济发展中具有十分重要的地位和作用,水晶经济已经成为东海经济重要支柱。但是水晶产业的发展仍存在着很多问题,主要有以下几方面:企业规模不大,缺少龙头企业、产品结构单一,附加值高、科技含量高的产品较少、受原材料制约,产业化经营道路艰难、资源保护意识淡薄,恶性竞争现象严重等。本文搜集整理并分析省内外有关水晶产业发展中遇到的问题,以及学习其他省份水晶产业发展的实践经验,旨在解决江苏省水晶产业发展中遇到的问题,使江苏水晶产业健康持续发展。
关键词:江苏东海县 水晶产业 困境 对策
Abstract:There are so much Crystal in Donghai county of Jiangsu Province.Such as crystal and quartz, there are about 25 million tons and 300 million tons. Which 400 tons of crystal were extracted every year,the products are more than half of china, and the quality silicon content up to 99.99 %. The development and utilization of crystal in Donghai plays a very important role . Crystal has become an important pillar of the economy. But there are still many problems, mainly in the following areas: small businesses, the lack of leading enterprises, single product structure, high value-added, high technology products less constrained by the raw materials, it is difficult to develop this industry . This article Collected some information about crystal industry of Jiangsu and outside . We want to learn experience from other provinces about the crystal industry to solve the problems in Jiangsu Province, the problems encountered so that development of Jiangsu crystal industry will be healthy and sustainable.