关键词: 文化创意产业 产业集群 形成过程
Abstract:Cultural creative industry is knowledge-intensive industries, technical coupling, creative is its growth key. Cultural creative industry cluster is the formation of cultural and creative industries new trend. At present, Wuxi is in through innovative ideas, looking for industry, product monopoly period. In recent years, the Wuxi municipal government from a strategic height, vigorously develop the cultural and creative industries, make it grow faster. This article through to the cultural and creative industries in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, the production, the development, the process of the formation of the cluster analysis, this paper discusses the cultural and creative industry cluster analysis of the formation mechanism and influencing factors, and to promote the Wuxi culture creativity the development of industrial cluster is put forward countermeasures.
Key words: Cultural And Creative Industries; Industrial Cluster; Forming Process