ABSTRACT:This thesis mainly with YiTong clearly-targeted in its status of the county as the main research object, using questionnaire, literature data method, mathematical statistics method, the thorough investigation and research, understand YiTong clearly-targeted county of the status quo, in view of the present situation in the countermeasure analysis. The results of the study show that: YiTongXian clearly-targeted activity, the old person is main body, clearly-targeted activists clearly-targeted activities to the fitness function, to prevent and function, the entertainment function, interpersonal relationship and the understanding of the diversity function is higher. But restricted by site, climate, guide the influence of the situation, in YiTongXian clearly-targeted the status quo is not optimistic. Suggestions in the dense population of the residential areas in sports activities sites, inadequate facilities of the present situation of lack of instructor, strengthening the government agencies, the relevant social organization clearly-targeted activities of the leadership and management, and clearly-targeted activity into the mass sports activities of content at the same time, increase of the implementation of the site, input. Strengthening the cultivation of the instructor clearly-targeted activities, both in team equipped with instructor, both for the general to provide technical security activists, advocate clearly-targeted carry out activities to the mass fitness effective means.
健身秧歌具有民族性、群众性、安全性。健身秧歌采用鼓点、唢呐的伴奏音乐, 音乐旋律极富有民族特色。健身秧歌活动的运动方式、强度适用于青、中、老年人的身心特点, 也比较安全, 所以被许多青、中老年朋友当作强身健体的首选方式,已成为群众平日健身娱乐, 表达喜悦情感的重要手段。据调查,目前健身秧歌在全民中得到了极大开展,全国各地大多数晨、晚练点均有健身秧歌的健身队伍,这一项目已经在全国蓬蓬勃勃开展起来,扭秧歌逐渐成为我国健身的“第一运动” [2]。健身秧歌具有浓厚的中国传统文化底蕴,同时又以自身独特的运动特点和与时俱进的内涵适应当今社会的发展,随着人们健康理念的日益增强,健身秧歌运动的地位和作用也显得越来越重要。而通过体育锻炼活动增进健康,充实生活,欢度余暇,加强社会交往的功能越来越被人们所接受和认同。如何提高人们的生活质量、生命质量、健康水平,已成为人们普遍关注的社会问题。而秧歌是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,是全民健身活动的一项重要内容,尤其深受广大中老年人的喜爱,扭秧歌已成为大都市和小城镇文化生活中一道亮丽的风景线。本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,对伊通县城开展健身秧歌的现状进行调查研究,并针对存在的问题提出相应的对策和可行性建议,旨在促进伊通县城体育事业的进一步开展和提高,为以后更多学者研究健身秧歌提供一定的参考依据。