Abstract: By questionnaire, literature data method, mathematical statistics method, interview method, this paper researches on basic conditions and psychological changes after sports injuries of artistic gymnastics athletes in service in JiangSu Province. The result shows that artistic gymnastics athletes in service after injury can produce different degrees psychological anxiety. The influencing factors for producing these anxious have sports item, age level, in service, injury way and etc. Among them, producing anxiety in the game is comparatively large than in training. Compared with the athletes who have been in service for more the 5 years and have participated in the national competition and the athletes who have been in service for less than 5 years and have never participated in the national competition,cognitive state anxiety and body state anxiety are on the high side,but State self-confidence is also on in high state;meanwhile, the state self-confidence of frontline athletes also have higher performance. this conclusion for art provide certain reference value gymnastics. This conclusion can provide certain reference value for training and management of JiangSu art gymnastics.
Keywords: artistic gymnastics; Athletes in service; Anxiety; Sports injuries; Psychological change