关键词:尺度 现状 吹罚技巧 基层
Abstract:Sports has become the world's cultural life a major cultural phenomenon. Athletic sports as culture unique part, in society both bear cultural carrier, and play its role irreplaceable role. In this background, the various grassroots sport developed vigorously, especially basketball game. Analytical grassroots basketball referee personnel present situation, analyses and compares grassroots basketball game, thus the more specific about the party. Cutting grass-roots From the referee personnel should possess the basic ability and professional attainment of, clear conducts a comprehensive analysis of the grass-roots referees' responsibilities and obligations. Grass-roots officials how to control analysis, how to master the game the skills, improve hold cutting level etc. Along with the development of primary race for grassroots basketball referee, higher requirements. Therefore, how to blow a good game, how to master race also become the blown penalty scale a need to study the topic, and this one topic for promoting the development of basic basketball sport also has important significance.
Keywords: Scale Status Referee skills Grassroots
篮球运动技术、 战术的迅猛发展,比赛场上争夺的激烈,运动员高难度动作和巧妙的技术、 战术的不断出现,给裁判员提出了更高更严格的要求。在基层篮球比赛中,由于裁判员大多数来自企、 事业单位,多数是兼职,所以平时没有或很少有学习规则、 研究规则和实际锻炼的机会,只是有比赛时才被调出来临时担任工作。所以,很难掌握比赛的节奏和吹罚的尺度。在执行吹罚时难免会出现一些问题,影响裁判工作的效果。因此,加强基层裁判队伍专业水平和思想文化素养,掌握比赛的吹罚尺度从而掌控比赛,是当今基层篮球比赛所必须的,也是推动基层篮球运动发展的重要条件。