关键词:职业篮球 奥运会 启示
Summary:Olympic Games as the world's grandest sporting event, the competitive level must represent the highest level in the world, but in fact the purpose of Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the Olympic Games is an amateur of the Olympic Games, But as time progress, the development of the Olympic Games, the amateur level of the country far not represent the highest level, it can not attract the attention of sports fans around the world, so getting close to the Olympics, professional sports,Until professional basketball team entered the Olympic Games Barcelona Olympic Games, the Olympics brings a new look, but also gives the audience a visual feast, a comprehensive professional sports presence to lead the Olympic Games, the Olympics brings a higher level, and promote the sport around the world The rapid development of。How to look at professional basketball to the Olympics, I had a lot of consulting on the basis of literature, discussion of professional basketball to the Olympics again brought to us by revelation, to understand the professional basketball team entered the Olympic Games, to the Olympics, basketball, and brought the world Influence and change.]
Key words: basketball Olympic inspiration
职业篮球进入奥运会,引领着奥运会慢慢走向职业化,掀起了全世界的一股篮球热潮,并带动着体育运动的全民化,让越来越多的人看奥运会,了解体育,从而进行体育运动,虽然也有弊端,但若控制得当,总体来说,利远大于弊,所以好的方面我们必须要保持并发扬,坏的方面我们要尽量避免并去改善,要让奥运会精神发扬光大,要让篮球运动以及所有体育运动向着“更快 更高 更强”的方向发展。