本研究采用问卷调查法,选取XX学院13个学院620名大学生进行研究。通过调查了解XX学院学生校园环境支持度和教育经历丰富程度在性别、民族、是否独生子女、政治身份、来自城镇与农村、年级、院系、成绩绩点、父亲教育水平和母亲教育水平几个方面的差异情况,分析学校支持型校园建设存在的问题与教育的相对优劣势, 帮助学校采取措施进行教学改进。提高学校对学生学习质量的重视,以提升教学质量。
This study by questionnaire method, select 620 college students from 13 different colleges of Hong he University to study. By investigation understanding Hong he University students’ degree of support about campus environment and rich degree of education experience in gender, and national, and whether it is only child, and political identity, and from town or rural, and grade, and faculty, and grade point, and education level of parents in several different aspects ,did a analysis about existent problem about campus construction of school support type and problems that the relation of advantages and disadvantages about education , helping school take measures for teaching improved. Improving the schools focus on the quality of students ' learning, to improve the quality of teaching.
Keywords: Hong he University; Campus environment support; Education and experience level