摘 要:本论文主要围绕着相对论而展开,介绍了相对论的建立及其实验基础和基本原理;相对论先驱者的思想,狭义相对论以及广义相对论及其发展历史;在相对论的应用方面主要介绍相对论在天文学上和GPS上的应用。我们说的的加速器、反应堆的建立,原子弹、氢弹的制成,原子能的越来越广泛的利用,都可以说是对狭义相对论从各个侧面进行了验证.狭义相对论不仅对物理学的发展只有深远的影响,在哲学上也有重大意义.相对论发展了自然科学的物质观、运动观、时空观,为辩证唯物论提供了更有力的科学根据。
Abstract:This thesis mainly revolves around relativity, introduces the relativity on establishing and its experimental foundation and basic principle; Relativity pioneers thoughts, relativity and general relativity and development history; The principle of relativity applications mainly introduces the theory of relativity in astronomy and GPS application .accelerator, respond the heap of establishment, the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb make into, more and more extensive exploitation of atomic, can say is to the special theory of Relativity carried on the verification from the each on the side. the special theory of Relativity not only to physics of develop onlies have the profound influence, on the philosophy but also is great significance. the theory of relativity developped the material view, the sport view, the timespace view of the natural science, for the dialectical the materialism provided the more emollient science basis.
Keywords:special relativity; general relativity; application