摘 要:科学素养是当今世界各国基础教育阶段理科教育的中心概念,也是我国新一轮课程改革中理科课程的主旨目标。
教材是教师的好帮手,是学生学习的重要工具,我国有多个版本的高中物理教材。 这一课程目标明显地反映在物理教科书(全国共有五套)的编写之中,主要体现在以下几个方面。(1)以“三维”目标为依据(2)突出科学探究(3)强调物理学与社会、科学技术的关系(4)突显物理教育的人文价值。因此,有必要对锁个版本的高中物理教科书进行比较分析和评价,从而检验它们是否达到了培养学生科学素养的标准。
关键词:科学素养 课程标准 高中物理教材
Abstract:Scientific literacy is the central concepts of the Basic education stage science education in Today's world , and is also the theme goals of the science courses in our country's new round curriculum reform.
2003 , China ministry of education issued "ordinary high school physics course standard" which stipulates that the senior high school physics aims to further improve students' scientific literacy. And in the "ordinary high school physics course standard ",the basic concept part of new curriculum clearly puts forward that" in the curriculum goal,we should pay attention to improve all the students' scientific literacy ".
Textbook is a good helper for teacher , and an important tool for students' learning.Our country has multiple versions of the senior high school physics teaching materials . This course target obviously reflected in the physics textbooks (there are five sets),and Mainly embodied in the following respects . (1) making "3d" goals as the basis (2) outstanding science inquiry (3) emphasizing the relations of physics and society, science and technology (4) underlines the physical education of humanistic value. Therefore, it is necessary to make a comparison,analysis and evaluation of the senior high school physics textbooks, and to test whether they reached to the standards of cultivating students' scientific literacy.
The current use of high school physics textbooks mainly haveO 'clock, Shanghai science and education (edition version, teach o 'clock, lu o 'clock and so on,as selected four versions of the new standard of physics textbooks to conduct electricity induction part of scientific literacy topics, analysis and comparison to see whether the ordinary high school physics course standard "requirement.
Keywords: Scientific Literacy The physics textbooks of senior school Electromagnetic Induction