摘 要:半导体超晶格的研究是凝聚态物理学中一个极其活跃的物理学前沿和半导体科学技术发展史上一颗璀璨的明珠。它的确立、研究与发展不仅对现代电子信息科技,而且对低维体系物理、新型材料科学和纳米科学技术的发展都产生了革命性的影响。通过对大量半导体超晶格文献的整理和总结,本文主要论述了三大方面的内容,具体包括半导体超晶格研究的发展历史、晶格振动特性以及在光电子器件方面的具体应用,以此供初步接触该领域的人能够从相关方面快速了解关于半导体超晶格较为全面的科学知识,并从中感受到物理科学的无限魅力。
Abstract:The research of semiconductor superlattice is one of the extremely active research frontiers in Condensed matter physics. And it is like a shining pearl in the semiconductor science and technology history. Its establishment, research and development have revolutionary effects on not only modern electronic information technology, but also low dimensional system physics, new material science and nano science and technology. Through studying and summarizing a lot of materials about semiconductor superlattice, we here mainly discuss the contents of three aspects, including the research and historical development, lattice vibration characteristics and the specific application in the optoelectronic devices aspects of semiconductor superlattice. We hope that you who contact this field preliminary can learn some comprehensive and scientific knowledge of semiconductor superlattice rapidly and also feel the infinite charm of physical science through reading this article.
Keyword: Semiconductor superlattice、Lattice vibrations、Optoelectronic devices