摘 要:纳西族具有光辉灿烂的民族文化。东巴舞是纳西族东巴在各类宗教仪式中所举行的舞蹈,它是纳西族传统古典乐舞的一个重要组成部分。而成为日常生活休闲娱乐的一种活动方式。纳西族“东巴舞”正随着民族社会的不断进步,生活水平的不断提高为进一步使人们了解其民族文化内涵,从而产生强烈的民族自豪感和认同感。研究纳西族“东巴舞“在中学体育的开展情况有利于对民族传统体育的继承与发展。本论文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法,对丽江纳西族聚集地的中学开展“东巴舞”的现状进行调查了解,根据实际情况提出合理化建议,为“东巴舞”在纳西族聚集地中学内的更好发展提供理论参考。
ABSTRACT:With the bright naxi ethnic culture. Dongba Naxi Nongba in all kinds of dance is a religious ceremony held in dance, it is traditional classical Naxi music is an important part of. And become a daily life of leisure entertainment an activity way. The Naxi "Nongba dance" is with the national the development of society, the continuous improvement of living standards for further make people understand the national culture connotation, to bring strong national pride and identity. Studies the Laxi Longba dance "in" middle school sports development situation is advantageous to the national tradition sports inheritance and development. This paper by literature data method, questionnaire investigation method to Lijiang Laxi gathering place of middle school development "Longba dance" understanding of the status of the investigation, according to actual situation proposed reasonable suggestion, for "Dongba dance" in areas within the middle school Naxi better development to provide theoretical reference
Key words: National traditional sports;The Naxi "Dongba dance";inheritance