摘 要:为了迎合当代大学生喜欢跑酷运动的现实需要,丰富我校校园文化,推广有特色的跑酷文化和校园生活社交网络。本文以协会形式在XX学院开展跑酷运动的可行性为论文主题,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对跑酷运动的体育文化特征进行理论阐述和分析,并对其以协会形式在XX学院开展的有利条件和存在的主要问题等方面作出分析,结果表明:XX学院学生对跑酷运动兴趣十足,多数学生赞成组建跑酷协会,并愿意加入其中。但由于跑酷运动还没有被广大民众所认知,多数人的认识有偏差,另外跑酷特有的自由性和创新性,不可避免也具有一定危险性。针对此结论作出参考性建议,笔者认为:可以和有关部门协商通过各种手段和途径加大宣传力度,借鉴其他高校跑酷协会经验,多向学校武术、体操教师讨教,危险动作先选择在体操馆等有保护措施的场地上练习等。经过分析和研究,为XX学院学生有组织的学习跑酷运动的现实需求提供理论平台,并为XX学院体育协会文化进一步发展作出理论参考。
ABSTRACT:In order to the contemporary college students like Parkour’s reality needs ,to enrich our campus culture, promote the distinctive parkour culture and campus life social network. In this paper, with the association form in Honghe University begin Parkour’s feasibility for the subject, using the method of literature,questionnaire, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and other research methods on parkour sports cultural features of theoretical elaboration and analysis, and the association in the form of Honghe University to develop favorable conditions and main problems wait for a respect to make analysis, the results showed that: Honghe University studebt of Parkour’s interest, most students support the formation of Parkour association, and is willing to join them. But as a result of parkour is not by the masses of people cognition,most people understand deviation, and Parkour characteristic free sex and innovation sex, inevitable also has certain danger. In view of this conclusion to make suggestions,the author thinks: can consult with the departments conclusion to make suggestions,the author thinks: can consult with the departments concerned through various means and ways to increase propagandist strength, darw on the experience of other universities Parkour club experience,multidirectional school martial arts, gymnastics teacher, dangerous actions first selection in the Gymnastics Hall have protection field exercises. After the analysis and the research,Honghe University students organized learning Parkour’s reality needs to provide theoretical platform, and for the Honghe University sports organization culture further development make reference.
Key Words: Honghe University; Parkour’s associations; formation of; Feasibility