摘 要:苗族传统吹枪运动,源于云南省麻栗坡县的苗族同胞在生产生活中为守护庄稼而制造的工具,是我国少数民族传统体育文化的重要资源。文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等方法对麻栗坡当地苗族传统吹枪运动的现状进行调查分析。调查结果是,麻栗坡县开展的苗族传统吹枪运动深受当地群众的喜爱,对于传承当地的民族传统文化具很好的作用,但还是存在宣传力度不够和管理体系不够完善等问题。针对以上问题本文将提出预见性建议,为麻栗坡县苗族传统吹枪运动的发展提供参考。
ABSTRACT:The traditional sports blow gun of Miao nationality is the tool that the people of Miao nationality living in Malipo County Yunnan province make to guard the crops in the production and life, at the same time , it is also an important resource of the traditional sports culture of China ethnic minorities. Using literature, the questionnaire, logical analysis and other methods investigates the current situation of the local Miao nationality's traditional blow guns movement in Malipo. Finding that Malipo County Miao nationality's traditional blow guns sports loved by local people, and it plays a very good role for the national heritage of the local traditional culture, but there are also problems, such as not enough publicity and not perfect management system. For the problems of the Miao nationality's traditional blow guns movement in the development, the thesis proposes countermeasures to let the Miao nationality's traditional blow gun sports of Malipo County become scientific and healthy.
Key words: Malipo;Miao;Blow gun movement