摘 要:云南红河州金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县金水河镇境内的大山深处,生活着一个靠“挎箭执弩,打猎为生”的原始部落,他们被称为“莽人”。 因为原始和落后,莽人的健康状况存在着较多的问题,影响人类身体的健康因素主要有生物学因素、行为和生活方式因素、环境因素、卫生医疗服务等四个因素;其中环境因素起着重要的作用,其次是生活方式、卫生服务,遗传因素虽然影响较小,但一旦出现问题是不可避免的。就个体而言,人体健康的因素,除了遗传、气候、环境、地域等因素外,还与后天的营养状况、体育锻炼等情况有很重要的关系。掌握莽人的身体健康状况,有重要的现实意义。本文通过莽人健康现状、生育意识、生产生活方式和生存环境的跟踪调查,初步掌握莽人身体健康的发展动态,进而分析出影响莽人身体健康的各种因素,旨在为相关部门的决策提供参考依据。
ABSTRACT:Yunnan honghe miao autonomous county, dai gate tower.the golden town yao within the territory of the mountain in, life a lean "ku arrow holding crossbows, hunting" primitive tribes, they are called "mangos people". Because the original and backward, and the health of people mangos there are a number of problems, affect human body health factors are biological factors, behavior and lifestyle factors, environmental factors, such as medical and health service four factors; Which environmental factors play an important role, followed by way of life, health services, genetic factors influence though small, but once appear problem is inevitable. Individual character, the health of human body factors, besides genetic, climate, environment, regional factors, but also to the day after tomorrow nutritive condition, the circumstance such as physical exercise is very important relationship. Master mangos to the health of the human body condition, have important practical significance. This article through the health status, birth mangos consciousness, production way of life of the living environment and follow-up, and try to grasp the development of people healthy mangos dynamic, and analyzes the effect of people healthy mangos various factors, aim at for relevant departments to provide reference basis for decision-making.
Keywords: Mangos people (The Brown family); Good health; Influence factors