摘 要:本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,对XX学院非体院男大学生(除留学生外)课外体育锻炼参与情况现状进行了调查分析,意在了解非体院男大学生对参与课外体育锻炼的认识、参与次数及时间、参与的项目及方式以及影响参与课外体育锻炼的因素等。通过调查发现,有近一半的学生不是自己主动参与课外体育锻炼,每周参加三次以下及基本不参加的学生占调查人数的一半,每次参与的时间在半小时以下的学生有一半以上,大部分学生达不到体育人口的标准,这与培养学生终身体育锻炼目标还有一定距离。因此,本文在培养学生的体育锻炼兴趣、提高参与课外体育锻炼重要性的认识、体育锻炼氛围及场地器材建设等方面提出了一定的建议。
ABSTRACT:This article through using the method of literature, questionnaire, interview and others research, investigation and analysis on the status of Honghe University for non-sports education institute for participation in physical exercise out of class of male college students ( except abroad students ). To know that non-sports education institute male college students with know, time and frequency, sport events and methods of participation in physical exercise out of class, and factors influencing participation in physical exercise out of class etc. Through investigation, about half of the students didn’t initiative to participation in physical exercise out of class, and half of the students take part in sports shortages three times every week and hardly partake from the survey, there are students of whom more than half for the time of each participation shortage half an hour, most of students does not come up to the standard of sports population, it has distance from aim at a life sport. Therefore, this paper proposes some advice on cultivate interest in physical exercise, increase perception of the importance of take part in physical exercise out of class, atmosphere of exercise, and building arenas and equipments etc.
Keywords: Honghe University; physical exercise out of class; non-sports education institute; male college students