摘 要:本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,以XX学院非体育专业的学生为研究对象,从体育消费水平、体育消费动机、体育消费结构三方面进行调查研究,得出XX学院非体育专业的学生体育消费的结论:(1)大多数学生认为体育消费是值得的,但是家庭经济是阻碍体育消费的主要原因;(2)有牢靠的体育消费基础,但是大一学生和大四学生、男生和女生体育消费比例失衡;(3)实物型体育消费过盛但非实物型体育消费薄弱。本文对于正确引导XX学院非体育专业的学生进行理性的体育消费,调整其体育消费结构并培养学生的终生体育观念具有一定意义。
关键词: XX学院;学生;体育消费
ABSTRACT:This article employs the document-data method, questionnaire survey and mathematics statistics method as research methods, chooses the students from non-sports majors of HongHe University as the object of study. And draw a conclusion about characteristics of sports consumption of HongHe University from researching the sports consumption level、sports consumption motivation、sports consumption structures of the students. And the results show that, (1) Most of the students think that the sports consumption is worthy, but family economic situation has became a barrier of the consumption; (2)The base of sports consumption is solid, but proportion of sports consumption between freshmen and senior students、boys and girls is not balance; (3)The physical goods consumption is overage, while non-physical goods consumption is low. This article is going to make contribution to the students of HongHe University to form a rational sports consumption notion, and then help them reform their consumption structure.
Key words: HongHe University; Students; Sports Consumotion