摘 要:近些年,随着高校的扩招,大学教育已经“大众化”,大学生就业形势日益严峻已经成为不争的事实。本文通过问卷调查法﹑文献法﹑归纳法等方法对XX学院社会体育专业学生择业趋向的调查与研究。通过近些年的研究调查,社会体育专业就业形势依旧严峻。就业趋势呈多元化,专业对口观念淡化,更加注重当前利益和个人未来的发展。掌握大学生择业趋向,有利于我们对其进行引导,从而帮助他们解决就业问题。
关键词:社会体育专业; 择业趋向; 影响因素; 择业动机
Abstract:In recent years, as of college expansion, the university education has \"popular\", college students' employment situation becomes increasingly serious has become the fact that does not dispute. This article through the questionnaire, literature, induction method to nanjing xiaozhuang college students' social sports professional tendency of survey and research. Through the research in recent years, social sports professional obtain employment situation is still severe. Employment trends is diverse, professing concept desalination, pay more attention to the current and future development of personal interests. Master students' choice trend, is helpful for the guidance, and help them to solve the employment problem.
Keywords:social sports professional; According to trend; Influencing factors; 'motivation