摘要: 舞蹈之美,是音乐的视觉流动,是雕塑的立体呈现。不同的舞蹈具有着不同的风格特征,舞蹈演员由于自身气质的差异而塑造出具有不同审美价值的艺术形象。气质的培养关乎舞蹈艺术塑造的成与败。本文从不同艺术风格的舞蹈与不同气质的演员等的简要分析入手,总结归纳出舞蹈演员自身气质对于舞蹈艺术塑造的重要性。
Abstract : Dancing beauty, likes the music of the visual flow, likes the sculpture three-dimensional rendering. Different dance has a different style characteristics, Dancer due to their differences in temperament shapes different aesthetic value of art images. Temperament is the success and failure of dance training. The dance teaching is the key about the dance talent cultivation and the delivery .This article from the different artistic styles of dance and temperament of different actors are briefly analyzed, summarized the dancer 's own temperament for Dance Arts building.
Key words : dance ; perform ; Temperament