摘要: 本文通过对唐传奇文本的分析,探究唐代文士眼中现实与理想婚恋观的差异,从而更深入地认识唐代文士婚恋观。唐传奇在唐代繁荣开放的背景下发展并成长,给了唐代文士一个宽松的环境,让其在唐代传奇作品中抒发个人的爱情理想。但由于门第身份的悬殊限制,才子佳人的美好理想在现实中只能化为悲剧的泡影。
[关键词] 唐传奇 文士 婚恋观 理想爱情 悲剧现实
[Abstract] This article based on analysis of legend literatures of Tang Dynasty shows the differences of real and ideal marriage in the view of scholars of Tang Dynasty. It can led us to understand better about the marriage views in Tang Dynasty. The legends of Tang began and grew under a very prosperous background, which served Tang scholars a relaxed environment. Tang scholars were able to express their own feelings for ideal love through literatures or artworks. But as a result of disparity of different social classes, the ideal love of scholars and beauties was like bubbles of tragedy in reality.[Key words] The legend of the Tang Dynasty the scholars View on love and marriage Ideal love The tragic reality
爱情与婚姻是一种男女两性结合的涵义丰富的社会行为。它必然要受到当时社会环境的影响与制约。唐代士人对待婚姻、恋爱的心态十分复杂。这种复杂心态有着非常深刻和现实的根源, 在经济繁荣、城市繁荣发展、思想自由开放的唐代, 社会环境的宽松惬意、人性的复苏,唤起了士人对浪漫爱情的渴望和追求。
一方面唐代的文士们无所约束地追求理想中的美好爱情,他们重视女性自身的价值(美貌、才情和独特个性), 因此将对爱情和激情的渴望寄托在“才子佳人”式的际遇。
另一方面,婚姻对象的选择必须符合社会规定的标准,在唐朝婚姻讲究门第与身份等级观念的影响下,文士们陷入了感情与利益的矛盾之中。唐代科举考试制度为广大中下层知识分子提供了步入仕途的途径,士子们寒窗苦读以博取功名, 获得功名后更以娶名门望族之女为荣,因此士子们往往选择功利至上婚姻而牺牲美好的爱情。