Abstract: Shen Congwen was born after the Hmong people by the oppression of western Hunan, young people into the city to study two kinds of unique life experiences, and achievements of the Shen Congwen cultural heritage, and their works respectively by will figure placed in the rural and urban two world, in order to describe their aesthetic ideal. This article is from the local and urban novels of Shen Congwen environmental construction, characterization and language style to explore the aesthetic ideal.
Key words: Shen Congwen;City;Rural;Aesthetic ideal
中国小说创作经过了“小说界革命”与五四文学革命的双重洗礼后迎来了色彩斑斓的局面,这时的作品有了现代化内涵,作家们更加关注民主、民生、民情,推进社会前进。“中国小说向着审美现代化的迈进,是其创作主体的人生理想推进的结果”。[1]此时的作家们具有强烈的责任意识,都用笔杆当作枪杆以制衡,就如鲁迅、叶绍钧、茅盾的作品都是直面惨淡的人生,进行直接暴露或批判。在这样的大背景下沈从文却“以自我为支点,以文学为杠杆来推动世界的求索者和实践者。他的求索和时间,抒写了中国现代文学中的独特篇章,铸就了别样的辉煌。” [2]本文就是探讨沈从文独特性作品中的审美理想。