[摘要] 南希是《雾都孤儿》中一个复杂而又鲜明的人物形象,身处于19世纪初叶的英国黑暗社会,她亦正亦邪,有着矛盾的双重性格,内心纯洁善良但最终没有摆脱自身的悲惨命运。本文拟从南希的双重性格的表现及其性格成因等方面进行研究,分析南希的命运结局,并从中引发对人性的思考。
[关键词] 狄更斯;南希;双重性格;人性
[Abstract] Nancy is a complicated and vivid characters in Oliver Twist, in the early nineteenth Century British dark society, she is also evil, there is contradiction of dual personality.Her heart is pure and kind-hearted but ultimately did not get rid of the tragic fate of her own. This paper from the Nancy's dual personality and character formation and other aspects of research, analysis of the Nancy 's fate, and it brings to human thinking.
[Key words] Charles Dickens;Nancy;the dual character;human nature