摘要:中距离投篮是篮球运动中最重要的进攻技术, 是比赛中重要的得分手段,也是一切进攻技、战术的最终目的和全部攻守矛盾的焦点。本文从身体、技术、心理方面对影响中距离投篮的命中率进行了分析,提出训练中应该重视和解决的问题。
关键词: 投篮;技术;命中率
Abstract: distance shot is the most important attack technology, It is in the competition the important means of scoring, but also all attack technology, the tactical ultimate goal of all the offense and the focal point of the contradiction. This article from the physical, technical, psychological aspects of the impact of middle distance shooting hit rate undertook an analysis, put forward training should take seriously and solve problems.
[Key words ] shooting; technology; hit rate