摘要: 情商是评价一个人认知、理解、调控、表达情感以及运用情感自我激励能力高低的一个量化指标。情商的高低往往决定一个人的成败,对秘书而言,情商尤为重要。文秘专业学生必须重视情商的培养,教师可以综合使用多种方法来培养学生情商,学生自身也可通过一些方法来培养情商,以便在以后的工作中能够得心应手。
关键词: 情商; 培养; 文秘专业; 秘书
Abstract: EQ is the evaluation of a cognitive, understanding, the regulation of expression of emotion and the use of quantitative indicators of emotional self-motivation and ability level. Emotional intelligence often determines the success or failure of a person's level, emotional intelligence is particularly important for secretary. The secretarial professional students must pay attention to the cultivation of emotional intelligence. Teachers can be integrated using a variety of methods to develop students' emotional intelligence. Students can also develop emotional intelligence by many ways, so that future work can be handy.
Keywords: EQ; Cultivate; Secretarial specialty; Secretary