【关键词】金坛方言; 变化; 原因; 预测
【Abstract】 At present, the survival and development of Jintan dialect is facing enormous challenges. In order to cause the people to realize, to the Jintan dialect and the importance of protection. This paper from the use scope, the number of people who use and the use environment of Jintan dialect were observed. Based on the analysis of the changes of Jintan dialect pronunciation, words and sentences, calling. To explore the reasons for the changes from three aspects of infiltration, population flow and the popularization of Mandarin Loanwords. And the development and change of Jintan dialect in the future was predicted.
【Key words】 Jintan dialect; transformation; causation ; prognosis
通过此次对金坛方言变化的调查研究,我更深入地了解了金坛方言所发生的变化,也更深地认识了保护方言的重要性。一种语言,包括方言,就是一种文化,一种语言(方言)的消失,那就意味着一种文化的消失,这种多元文化的消失,其损失是无法估量的。可见,方言还会保持其独立性,虽然它可能会一直受到普通话的影响,慢慢地向普通话集中、靠拢,只是这种集中、靠拢的时间是无法预见的,可能会很久很久,所以方言还是会继续存在于我们的生活中。 为了让更多的人去了解金坛方言的内涵,去真心地学习金坛方言。希望通过我的研究,人们能获得对金坛方言的更多了解,也希望更多专业的人士去研究金坛方言。随着时间的过渡,不至于让新生代遗忘他们最初学习的语言。